ProActive Business Solutions is the premier provider for your Managed Services needs.
staff and solutions to meet your company’s needs

ProActive Business Solutions is the premier provider for your onsite management, project management and facilities maintenance requirements. With over 25 years of experience, we excel at creating repeatable processes in setting up new technology implementations.

ProActive enables organizations to rely on our experienced teams and tested processes, in setting up new service departments, complete with management and staff.

About Us

ProActive enables organizations to rely on our experienced teams and tested processes to meet your company’s needs.

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Facilities Maintenance

For existing or new facilities, including rapid scaling.

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Cleanroom Laboratory Operations

Including calibrating and maintaining sensitive cleanroom tools including wafer fabrication.

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Project Management & Administrative Support

Project management and administrative support.

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Employees Not Temporary Workers

Our project managers, administrative staff and technical staff are employees, not temporary workers. We provide training and development which results in accountability and reliability based on known and tested skill sets with seasoned team members.

Exceeding Expectations

ProActive consistently meets and exceeds expectations because our solutions are process-driven, based on best practices, not only from the industry but our own company employee experience spanning over 25 years of service.

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Under Resourced? Need service now?

We can tackle technology tasks that require a high level of accountability and capability, that your organization doesn’t have the time or resources to handle.